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This is the first year I'll be helping to build an Easter basket.
And, while I certainly loved getting chocolate as a kid, what I remember most was having a blast getting a new age-appropriate workbooks. They were filled with word puzzles - and had sort of a Highlights feel to them.
So, along with candy I'm trying to think of other things to put in the basket this year.
For example:
a teen/student bible
a Nalgene bottle (looks like he'll be going on his first camping trip soon)
a set of art pencils

The amazing science-behind-cooking book The Inquisitive Cook.

Also, I'm looking for unusual board games and card games.
Not like Uno - more like a car driving game I grew up with called Mille Bornes.
You give each other flat tires, and run out of gas - lol!

I'd love to hear what you think of it.
Or, how about this one?

It looks like fun.

How are YOU being creative with YOUR Easter baskets this year?
I've love to hear!

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