Sunday, February 19, 2012

Imperfect...Cinnamon Love!

Cinnamon Heart Rolls - Valentine's DayQuick and Easy...
Cinnamon Heart Rolls


These are NOT perfect.
Not even close.

Yet, there's a chance that when it comes to cooking...
"It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful" - or tasty!

Mine aren't homemade, like the ones shown
on my Valentine's Day Pinterest board.

Kudo's to Poppies at Play for the idea.

Nope, mine sure aren't perfect.
Look at the tiny guy and the bigger one next him!

Easy Valentine's Day Cinnamon TreatSee all the imperfect shapes and sizes?
And, I learned a lesson that when you mess with the shape
they need a lot less time to cook!

These are a bit too...caramelized.
Yeah, that's it!

Valentine's Day Simple Quick TreatI asked our 14 year old what he thought of them.

"They're cute, I guess.
But, I don't care if they look like heart...
They just have to taste good."

So, there you have it.
Next time maybe I'll just forget the fancy shape.
My family's feeling the love without it.

When it comes to my cooking,
"It doesn't have to perfect to be beautiful" - it just needs to be tasty!

What have you done to surprise your family...
Only to have it fail?

Linking to the following parties:
The Nester's "It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful" and Momnivore's Dliemma's Creative Juice, and Funky Junk Interiors. Pin It
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