So, I was reading a wonderful post about homeschooling on the The Pioneer Woman's Homeschooling Page when I stopped dead in my tracks.
The article mentions that the state of Georgia is considering whether it should stop teaching cursive. My friends and I have been talking more and more about the fact that cursive is hardly taught anymore - and is only rarely encouraged. (Heck, does spelling ever count anymore? I hear from both teachers and students that most of the time spelling only counts on tests. Wow.)
Given - I realize what a hypocrite I am writing a blog with more fragments than my hard-drive. But, if Shakespeare can verb nouns, I can write in fragments on my blog. If I want to. Wow - did I srsly just compare myself to the Bard? Taking poetic license and moving on.
Back to the topic.
What really surprised me was the number of comments (at the link above) where the college-aged folks say they can't write in cursive. Or, read it. Shock - I *know!* So, for example, they would not be able to read a hand-written note from their grandmother.
So, I'm wondering...
1. Can you write cursive?
2. If yes, when is the last time you've written something other than your name?
C. In which grade did you learn cursive?
*. Do you feel cursive should be taught in schools?
99. Where did you grow up? As in state. And, let's just assuming that you did grow up.
42. If you are willing, give us an age-range, hopefully your own. Or, for the courageous, give us your age.
100. Other thoughts you have on this topic. Go for it.
Thanks for playing along.
I really would like to know.

Speaking as a 44-year old mother who home-schooled two girls for 8 years, I too am appalled at the complete lack of basic knowledge in all things related to what I consider good communication. Yes I can write and read cursive as can both of my girls. I write in cursive on a regular basis as so do both of the girls. I learned it in first grade and taught it to my daughters at the same level and think it should continue to be taught. I did not grow up in one state (military background).
Along with cursive going by the wayside, so has proper spelling and grammar and, of all things, basic geographical knowledge. I am not and have never claimed to be the perfect teacher (far from it!) but I am shocked on almost a daily basis with the things my daughters tell me. My youngest, who is 15, was recently chided for her answers to an in-class discussion...... when in fact she was correct and the TEACHER was the one who did not know the subject matter.
Jodi P - thank you so much for your insight!
3rd Grade
Boston suburbs
Even in my age group you can tell the difference between those who were taught to write cursive in private school and those who learned in public school. At least I can. I think twice in the past 10 years I asked someone with "private school" penmanship where they went to school and got a public school result.
Cursive writing is less important than it used to be thanks to computers, but in some circles I imagine grammar is becoming more important as the delineator of a good education.
I still think it's important to know how to write well. Kay is learning cursive as well as printing and she understands it makes a difference when you do things well.
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