Friday, February 11, 2011

What's your Special Day?

Do you have a "Special Day?"
Kelly, over at Modern June has husband who celebrates "I Love You" day. Here's the bouquet he sent her! *swoon*

(BTW, if you aren't familiar with Modern June's oil cloth accessories - well, get out from under that rock! Her products are adorable. I have her placemats and I love them!)

Anyway, she got me thinking about my own sweety. On my desk is the card above, which reads, "Happy 8th Tuesday! Love, Tim."

The florist, understandably confused, apparently asked my then boyfriend to repeat the phrase a few times - until he was certain he heard it correctly.

Knowing that I love daisies, my sweety sent an arrangement of daisies and mums with the card celebrating the 8th week of our dating relationship. (We still wish each other "Happy Anniversary" on Tuesdays...when we think of it. *wink*

A year later we were married.
I know a keeper when I have one.

How about you?
Have a special made-up holiday that means much more to you than Valentine's Day?
Comment below and share it!
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