So, I was filling up the car at the local Mobil, trying think positive thoughts about the 1/4 inch of ice covering my car...

When I remembered a craft that I wanted to try. I saw this at
Remodeling This Life where Emily said they were "easy peasy." She made pretty pumpkin colored frosted candles.

And, recently I saw that Karla at
It's the Little Things That Make a House a Home did them, too.
And, she she agreed. Easy peasy. She made these pretty white ones.

So, I thought...I should try these, too. (Once I drive home, considering I was still standing next to my car at the Mobil station.) I stopped at the local Hobby Lobby - where candles are 50% off this week - LOVE THE LOB!

Let's play a game of "Which one of these is not like the other." The two pretty red ones are for a hostess gift for Christmas. (Shh, don't tell!) And, the tall purply one is for me. (Aw, I shouldn't have. *Smooch*)

Poof! It's done!
Well, THAT was fast.
Shall we back up?
Okay, you take your brush - I used a 1 inch crafting soft bristeled brush that we use for salt dough ornaments. You brush on Modge Podge. And, roll in Epsom Salts. Kinda like this...

Oooh, an "action" shot.
Roll again.
Sit back and admire your work.
This is soooo easy. The gals were right.
In 5 minutes, using a 50% off candle, I have a finished product that stores sell for $12.

Hope my hostess likes her 2 red ones.
Me? I already love my purply one.
(Sitting on my 50 cent Hobby Lobby charger.)
So, what color would YOU make? Show us YOURS!
Share your perma-links in the comments...
And show us your "5 Minute Frosted Candles."
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They look great! I keep laughing that so many people thought I was kidding about how easy they are. SERIOUSLY easy :) Glad you tried it and I am sure they were a hit gift.
Thanks Emily. We'll find out tomorrow :)
Mod Podge and epsom salts? That's IT?!?! I've got some crafting to do!
I am so making these for my New Year's Dinner centerpiece. I have already have everything I need. Thanks!
they look beautiful and festive! what a great gift!
So clever!
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