Tuesday, January 12, 2010

And, a Whole Lotta Love.

A pound of inspiration, a pinch of serendipity and...
a whole lotta love!

I realize that "a whole lotta love" might look small.
But, trust me, whenever anyone asks about a recipe...
Even the 12 year old replies, "and...LOVE!"

It's ingrained in the brain.

Isn't that sign adorable? I would love that for my kitchen!
It's from DaySpring.com's Danielson Design's Studio. You can custom design a sign of picture frame with your favorite saying, bible verse, heck...your favorite rice pudding recipe, I suppose.

The Nester is giving away a couple of wonderful gift certificates, so if you are interested, drop by.

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The Nester said...

Yep, it's totally charming!

Good luck!

The Nester said...

OH shoot, did I just leave you a comment, Dana? Forgive me.

Anyhow, I love that sign with the polka dots. And I'm a sucker for stripes too, by the way.

Thank you for joining in, good luck!

Dana @ Cooking At Cafe D said...

OMG! The Nester just posted on my site. Twice! (I'd like to tell you that's sarcasm...but seriously, I love her site so much that I have a little blog-crush.) *Blush*

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