Do we have a giveaway for you!
Today our artist is Candice Jackson, of "Jackson of all Trades" (isn't that the cutest name?) hand-pours her soy candles.
Candice sent me a darling Maxwell House candle so I could take a closer look.
When you buy a candle, you choose your and your scent.
Since I have allergies, I wanted to take it easy - I went with Warm Vanilla Sugar.
Wow - it's so lovely. Light, gentle - didn't make my nose get all tingly like some commercial products can.
There's 'round 20 scents to choose from. She has unscented, too.
Cute, eh?
They even come with their own book of matches!
Isn't that adorable? Dining Car Coffee.
How 1950's Mad Men!
Now, I'm not a fan of smoking, but I'll surely condone cuteness!
And, this tin just oozes character!
Wow, what a great anniversary present this could be!
Perhaps your home has a Touch of France?
Cute, non?!
Okay I could do this all day, but there are over 60 candles in her shop - and HUNDREDS more tins on her shelves waiting for you! She can match practically any event to a tin - just ask her.
Yep, Candice is giving away YOUR CHOICE of any candle in her shop!
You pick the tin, you pick the scent (or unscented.)
Simply leave us a comment below telling us which is your favorite candle.
I've given you just a glimpse into her shop
but you'll want to check out the rest of HER STORE HERE!
Winner will be randomly chosen.
We'll have a new giveaway next Friday!
1. Twitter - "Vintage Collectible Tin Candle - GIVEAWAY!
2. Facebook status - "Vintage Collectible Tin Candle - GIVEAWAY!
4. "Follow" - our Cooking at Cafe D's blog
5. "Heart" Candice's Shop on Etsy -
Jackson of All Trades
Leave a separate comment below for each entry.
Please be sure to either leave your e-mail address...
Or, be sure your e-mail is easily found if I click on your comment.
So, check out her store, then come back and tell us!
Which will it be?

what a fun shop -- thanks for sharing! I think the Butternut Coffee tin is my fav!
I am already a FB fan of Cafe D!
I hearted Candice's fun shop on Etsy....
and....I am a Cafe D blog follower as well! :)
I love this shop!! It's hard to pick a favorite. I really like the Decker's Lard and the Clabber Girl Baking Powder ones!
-Many Smiles!
ashley_c_014@hotmail dot com
I am a follower through GFC.
ashley_c_014@hotmail dot com
I like her shop on Etsy.
ashley_c_014@hotmail dot com
My favorite is the CANDLE Unique Hand-Poured Soy Wax Candle In Old Vintage Orange BLISS Primative Coffee Tin Can Great Wedding BRIDAL Bride Gift Eco-Friendly
kristi.blackstone at yahoo dot com
I like you on Facebook as Blissful Bee
New follower through GFC as Kristi
This one is my favorite!
marija.majerle at gmail dot com
hearted Jackson of All Trades on etsy- username bokononist
marija.majerle at gmail dot com
the sail pipe tobacco is my fav candle!
i follow via gfc
I think the Soft Shell Clams are my favorite of all!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I follow your blog publicly with google friend connect
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I heart Candice's shop on Etsy - my Etsy name is Hurdler4eva
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I like Cooking at Cafe D on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I shared on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore:
Thank you for the giveaway :)
All of the candles are so amazing! I really like the Old Vintage Orange BLISS Primative Coffee Tin. I love that worn out look!
So cool!
My fave is the Canadian Honey tin, and would love it with the Honeysuckle fragrance.
I ♥ Jackson of All Trades on Etsy (digitalmisfit)
I shared on Facebook!/digitalmisfit/posts/163099663744276
I follow Cookin' At Cafe D on Facebook.
likek the clabber girl baking powder
fb post
Robin Scott
follow you on gfc
Robin Scott
I "hearted" Candice's shop on etsy
My favourite has to be the "Kaffee Hag" coffee tin! I burst out laughing at the name.
Also hearted on etsy!
my favorite is VELVET Pipe & Cigar Tobacco Can! love the idea. :)
i like Cooking at Café D on fb. :)
I love the Butternut Coffee tin
roniros (at)
liked on FB
roniros (at)
roniros (at)
hearted etsy shop (BeadsByRoni)
roniros (at)
GFC follower
roniros (at)
I think One-of-a-Kind Authentic Vintage Tin - (lavender scent) is may favourite. Thanks :).
they are all great. I love the bliss or maxwell house best
i hearted her etsy shop as debijackson
google friend
facebook liked as debbie jackson
What a great idea! I like the Plough Boy one.
clarksrfun at gmail dot com
I hearted her shop as clarksrfun
I adore CANDLE Unique Hand-Poured Soy Wax Candle in Old Vintage President Day Bicentennial Birthday PATRIOTIC American Coffee Can GREAT Gift Fourth 4th of July Antique CollectableTin!!!
Thank you for the chance!
Shared on FB:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=102112406540050&id=100000966605964
(oksana vladimirovna)
I Like Cooking At Cafe D Facebook page!
(oksana vladimirovna)
Following your blog on GFC!(ksyshenka)
I Hearted Candice's Shop on Etsy! (oksana2372)
ooo so super cute! i love the bliss candle...
I love the pure Canadian honey tin! I'd pick lavender for the scent. These candles are such a cool idea!
bead.eclectic at
I hearted the shop as BEadECLECTIC
bead.eclectic at
I'm a new blog follower!
bead.eclectic at
I love the Wellman coffee candle
My favorite item from the shop is
and i like all the coffee related scents,i bet they are great.
I shared this giveaway on Twitter:!/violet_porto/status/51706654982549504
I like Cooking at Cafe d on facebook, my fb name is Viorela Violet.
Oooh, what fun! Love the unique cans!! I'd choose the George Washington PATRIOTIC American Coffee Can with a lavender candle. Thank you for the opportunity!
reducefootprints at gmail dot com
I "Like" Cooking At Cafe D on Facebook (I'm Sml Footprints)
reducefootprints at gmail dot com
I tweeted:
reducefootprints at gmail dot com
I added this giveaway to my facebook status:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=200063876681701&id=100001790640076
(I'm Sml Footprints)
reducefootprints at gmail dot com
I love the Bliss Coffee tin, love it!
Gchord88 at aol dot com
I like you on facebook (Gina R)
Gchord88 at aol dot com
I follow you on GFC (G)
Gchord88 at aol dot com
I heart Jackson of all Trades on etsy
Gchord88 at aol dot com
I hearted the Etsy shop, etsy name Viorela25.
My favorite is the George Washington tin!
i like Cooking at Café D at facebook!
i heart Jackson's etsy store.
Following Cooking at Cafe D's blog trough google friends connect
I love the Velvet tobacco tin, but they are all great.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
I love the White Villa tin--it would be fantastic with the citrus cilantro scented wax!
ohkeeka at gmail dot com
I follow your blog on GFC
ohkeeka at gmail dot com
I heart Jackson of All Trades on Etsy (hellokiki)
ohkeeka at gmail dot com
Love the Maxwell House Coffee one!! Too cool!
I like the Canadian Honey Tin in the scent Applejack.
Elaine R
i like this coffee can candle..
cyclona66 at aol dot com
These are really neat. My favorite is the CANDLE Unique Hand-Poured Soy Wax Candle in Vintage PLOW Boy farmer primative Tobacco Can. Thanks.
I love the candle that is in the White Villa Coffee Tin! xo
kimberly.long at gmail dot com
following via gfc
kimberly.long at gmail dot com
White Villa Coffee and JASMINE!! What a cute product.
So cool! I love the Soft Shell Clams candle.
Following on GFC :)
Hearted the shop on etsy (mandius116)
I love the Vintage La TOURAINE primative Coffee Can!
I follow your blog!
I love the bliss coffee tin -- it is perfect for a sweet-smelling candle!
stitchingincircles [at] ymail [dot] com
I like the bliss tin - and this is such a cool idea to recycle old tins!
shutterboo at gmail dot com
I'd love the bliss candle tin!
I adore the George Washington tin!
I hearted the shop (lizburlas)
i love the Old Orange Vintage BLISS Coffee Tin
i like Cooking at Cafe D on FB
i heart her on etsy
I think I'd have to pick the honeysuckle scent, with the Pure Canadian Honey tin- yumm!
Tweeted giveaway link:!/reniazen/status/53176301971972096
Liked on FB and posted link:
Hearted Etsy shop (arkemp07)
I love the Maxwell House coffee can and candles, so awesome! :)
Also posted to my facebook status at!/Plantology
I tweeted this awesome giveaway!!/plantology
I hearted Jackson of All Trades on Etsy. :)
I like Cooking At Cafe D on my facebook page too! :) Thanks Dana!
I love, love, love the concept for these candles (as well as your commentary on here haha). My favorite is probably the Vintage SAIL Lime Green Tobacco Can. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the Hills Bros. coffee can candle. I would get it scented in coffee. I don't drink coffee but I absolutely love the smell of it! :)
What a fun giveaway! I'm loving the Bliss Coffee - it's my fave - but the Nash's Coffee Can is also cute...I have a friend who just had a new baby named Nash - she would love that!!
jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net
I'm a new follower - yay!! So glad I found you!!
jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net
I added her store to my etsy favorites as jchampagne :)
jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net
I really like this one:
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Following via GFC.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Following on Facebook as Andreia Sousa.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
hearted the shop as magnolica.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
First off I have to say that I love love LOVE this whole entire concept she has going in her shop!!! I mean LOVE it! OK...LOL..I will give you ONE of my favs...but I love TONS of them! The CANDLE Unique Hand-Poured Soy Wax Candle in Vintage Canadian HONEY Can GREAT Gift Antique CollectableTin is adorable and in lemon lavender scent would be great for a kitchen!
14earth at gmail dot com
I like you via FB as Tofu Fairy.
14earth at gmail dot com
I follow you via GFC.
14earth at gmail dot com
I faved/hearted via Etsy as FotoMacro.
14earth at gmail dot com
The giveaway is now closed :)
Good luck to everyone who entered.
The winner will be announced soon!
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