Friday, April 8, 2011

Featured Artist Friday: (GIVEAWAY!) Rustic Easter Baskets

Welcome to another installment of...

Featured Artist Friday!

Now, I don't know about you, but right now it seems I'm swamped...
There's just so much going on.

Today, I'm taking it easy on myself.
And, we're giving you...a treat from our own shop!

Can you say...GIVEAWAY?

Does your home have it's own Easter Basket?
A little something cheery - or in this case CHERRY! - to brighten things up?

The one below is our "Tuscon Sunset."
The deep purples, magentas, golds and greens of this assortment remind us of our honeymoon.

Sure, we COULD have called it Tuscan Sunset...
but we honeymooned in Arizona, not Italy! 

Our family takes nature pretty seriously.
We're always walking through the zoo, or the local arboretum. Other days we hike through the woods or go camping. We're always on the lookout for nature to bring home. Fallen pine cones and acorns, large pieces of bark (salvaged from the ground - never taken from trees), or bizarre seed pods find their way home with us.

Sometimes we combine things in a way that is colorful!

 Sometimes rustic golds and browns feel more at home.

(I have to admit, I think golds and browns are my favorite!)

Sometimes they live in bowls or vases.  Sometimes charger plates.
Other times they wind up in vintage cheese boxes.
No matter what -  they make us smile.

This week - we want to share that smile with you!

  This week...we are giving away our 
"Northwoods Easter Basket!"
Shown below.

This assortment includes some found objects collected by my family in the woods of Illinois. 
I love the way the bark is completely different on each side so you have twice the display choices.
Wanna see the dark side of the bark?

Cool, huh?  
The metal basket and everything you see is included.
A home-dried lemon slice, bark, gourd, flowers, petals, and...thingamabobs– the technical term *wink*


Simply leave us a comment below telling us your favorite thing about Springtime or Easter!    
This week our giveaway is open to U.S.only.
Contest runs through Friday, April 15th, 2011 at 8 p.m. (Central)
Winner will be randomly chosen.
We'll have a new giveaway next Friday!

For up to 5 additional entries:

1. Twitter - "Rustic Home Decor Easter Basket - GIVEAWAY!"

2. Facebook status - "Rustic Home Decor Easter Basket - GIVEAWAY!"

3. "Like" - our Cooking At Cafe D Facebook page

4. "Follow" - our Cooking at Cafe D blog
on Google Friend Connect

5. "Heart" Our Shop on Etsy -

Leave a separate comment below for each entry.
Please be sure to either leave your e-mail address...
Or, be sure your e-mail is easily found if I click on your comment.

Good luck!

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stracey2010 said...

i love taking my son to the river to see baby ducks in the spring

Screaming Sardine said...

Thanks for having such a gorgeous giveaway. Please enter me!

My favorite thing about spring time is usually seeing most of the snow melt around here...hopefully!

Screaming Sardine said...

I like the Gourd-eous Easter basket, though those rustic stars are vying for top spot, too.

Screaming Sardine said...

I'm following you (as All Thumbs Crafts).

Screaming Sardine said...

I tweeted (as screaminsardine)

Screaming Sardine said...

I favorited your shop on Etsy (as The Prairie Patch)

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥Kat F.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

I love the excitement in the eyes of kids when they search for goodies on Easter morning.
fastkat at gmail dot com

Mary said...

My favorite thing about Easter is the chocolate!

mearnold115 at yahoo dot com

Crystal said...

i LOVE seeing family for the Easter Holiday(grandma,grandpa,dad and bro's birthdays are all from March 7th to May 2nd.
I also LOVE starting Herb seeds or seeing some of my Herb plants come up as soon as it gets warm:)
Happy April!!

cyclona66 at aol dot com

Kristyn Martin said...

My favorite thing about spring is working outside in the yard! I love being outside when it is warm and sunny!

Kristyn Martin said...


Kristyn Martin said...

I follow via GFC.

Kristyn Martin said...

I heart CafeD on Etsy! (coopersmommy)

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

Love your giveaway -please enter me!

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

I'm a new follower - please enter me.

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

I just posted a link to your giveaway on my Ravenwood Whimzies FB page

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

I just "Liked" Cafe D on FB as well.

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

I'm headed over to "heart' you on Etsy as well. Thanks so much!

Kathie said...

My favorite thing about Spring time is the weather, warm, breezy and I even love the rainy days!


Kathie said...

I tweeted:!/housewifekathie/status/56752328023355392


Kathie said...

I shared on Facebook!/permalink.php?story_fbid=158251210900837&id=154843331241625


Kathie said...

I like you on Facebook (Kathie Perez)


Kathie said...

I follow via Google Friend Connect


Kathie said...

I heart your shop on Etsy (kdcperez07)


debijackson said...

my favorite things are the sounds and smells of earth and plants

debijackson said...

gfc folloer djackson1958 at

Deborah said...

My favorite thing about springtime are the spring greens, especially ramps! asthenight at gmail dot com

Deborah said...


Deborah said...

Facebook status:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=214649065215777&id=662760126.

Deborah said...

I liked Cooking at Café D on Facebook (Deborah Rosen).

Deborah said...

I'm following you with Google Friend Connect.

Deborah said...

I "hearted" your Etsy shop (AsTheNight).

Anonymous said...

I love the early spring flowers; daffodils, tulips, crocuses

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

follow you on gfc
Robin Scott

Anonymous said...

fb post
Robin Scott

Anonymous said...

like you on fb
Robin Scott

Anonymous said...

"hearted" your etsy shop

Jrsygurl4life said...

My favorite thing is the smell of blooming flowers and fresh cut grass :)

unraveledemotions at hotmail dot com

Gayle said...

Look forward to enjoying my new grandson's very first Easter! I love non-tradition Easter baskets - you've shared a lot of cool ideas!

Anonymous said...

I love Easter dinner. My Mom has been making it for years and I cannot wait to feast on her roasted garlic lamb.


Darcy said...

My favorite thing about Easter is watching my kids find Easter Eggs - so cute!

Darcy said...

I follow your blog!

clenna said...

I love spring flowers, warmer weather (no coats!) and the sound of birds.

clenna at aol dot com

clenna said...

I "Like" your Cooking At Cafe D Facebook page

clenna at aol dot com

clenna said...

I "Follow" your Cooking at Cafe D blog on Google Friend Connect

clenna at aol dot com

clenna said...

I "Heart" your Shop on Etsy -CafeD

clenna at aol dot com

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I love watching the birds come out and the flowers bloom!


Anonymous said...

I am a GFC follower. Rgee


Anonymous said...

I hearted your etsy shop!


Paula said...

I love waking up to the sounds of birds chirping

paula.elizabeth1 at gmail dot com

Kristen said...

My favorite thing is the newly warm weather.

Karen said...

I love seeing everything in bloom when I walk/drive through our neighborhood.

Kasie said...

I love the rain! I love rain and thunderstorms, but it seems to wash winter away!

kolpin said...

going hiking!
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

gfc follower kolpin
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

"Heart" Shop on Etsy
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

Heathery said...

My favorite thing about Easter is watching my niece do an easter egg hunt!

Sarah B. said...

My fave thing about Spring is wearing sandals and fun dresses/skirts!

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com

Sarah B. said...

I heart your shop! (yesteacher)

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com

Sarah B. said...

I follow your blog

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com

Klemm Family said...

I love the feeling of growth in Spring. One day is nothing, the next day is full of blooms and green and sunshine. It's a re-birth. So beautiful and heart wearming.
skklemm at gmail dot com

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...
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Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

think for me, Easter and Spring really mean the same thing: a time of rebirth, fresh/new beginnings and possibilities. Hope and the "leap of/to faith" that we make during the darkest of days...Faith simultaneously realized and renewed...

(sorry about the deletion above - I forgot to include email/contact infor!

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

I LIKE Cooking at Cafe D on Facebook
Jesselyn A

(fellow Illinoisian from Chicago area)

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

Public Follower (via Blogger upper left corner) on GFC


Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

I "hearted/favorited" your Etsy Shop
Etsy username: Salleefur


Unknown said...

I love planting flowers and veggies with my kids :)

Unknown said...

I like your facebook page(Gina Renee' Padilla)

Unknown said...

I heart your shop (Yarnabees)

Dana @ Cooking At Cafe D said...

Contest is closed.
Good luck!

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