Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Do You Have a Grown-Up Home? My Little Secret.

Are you still waiting for your Grown-Up Home?

What do I mean?
Well, I guess I'm just going a bit further than the insightful fake family discussion.

I'm beginning to realize that I have a fake house in my head.
A "grown-up home."

Wanna visit?
This place has lofty ceilings. Rustic wood beams. Seats a bazillion - and I host casual dinners and board game parties all the time. It's in the woods, and we spend lots of time outdoors on the deck watching and listening to nature.

Here's a little secret.
I just realized I had this dream still stuck in my noggin.

When I was in my 20s...
I was struggling to make rent - feeling rich if I had a roll of quarters for laundry. There were critters around that were pests, not pets - if you catch my drift. I dreamed of my grown-up home.

In my 30s...
I was working 80-100 hours a week, spending months at a time in other states as required - and I didn't mind. Because someday...I would have my grown-up home.

Now, I'm in my 40s.
Wow, did I just admit that? And, I don't have a home with wood beamed ceilings. If we have more than 2 people over for dinner, things get pretty cramped. And, as for board games, well, it's usually 3 of us playing on the ottoman.

Here's the good news.
I have an amazing family. I have a husband who would gladly live in that beamed ceiling home but is content with a couple of rustic elements. We live comfortably. There's a denim slip-cover on our hand me down couch and I like its casualness. We like throw blankets and flannel sheets. We don't live in the woods, but we do live only 2 blocks from a forest preserve where we can all walk the path for hours - and we do!

I'm no longer waiting for that house to come.
The bigger one. The one with the fireplace. Instead, I have a faux mantel that I decorate with things we find in the woods.

We take trips and stay in cute little cabins and we make s'mores in an actual fire-pit rather than a fireplace.

I...am Not a DIY Diva.
Though I can work a hot glue gun with the best of 'em.
And, I'm content - with what I have.

I recently read an eBook from the creator of The Inspired Home, Melissa Michaels. The eBook is chalk full of ideas on how to make your house - whatever you have - into a home. I love her writing. And, if you are ready to stop waiting for your Grown-Up Home, I recommend it. (If you've already come to accept the wonders you have - no matter how small - you might enjoy it, too!)

Not a DIY Diva

Want more details and see a sample?

By way of full disclaimer, if you click on the link and purchase a copy, I do get a small portion to put towards more nights in simple cozy cabins with the family.


So I'd love to know...
Are you still waiting for your Grown-Up Home?
What does your imaginary home look like?
Is it by a lake? Mountains? Heart-of-the-city?
Are you ready to be content with what you have?

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