Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Smorgie - "Pin" Your Favorite RESTAURANTS!
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Cuz this is cool, too!)

Smorgie - heard of it?
The company asked me to check it out and give them, and you, an honest assessment.

Here's what I think.
It's gonna catch on fast.

You know that board out there where you pin recipes or home decor? (Oh, heck, it's Pinterest.) Well, I think of this as the restaurant version! (Even cooler cuz it has addresses, phone numbers, all sorts of info already there.)

You can "collect" all of your favorite restaurants into "My Places." Then, you can break them down further if you want.

Smorgie also gives you handy buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Email and Pinterest - in case you want to share your great restaurant find!

Smorgie asked for feedback.
So, here are a couple of things I noticed.

I love that you can make your own lists.
I chose "My favorites" and "Places to Try" to start off. Adding restaurants is simple. When I get more added I think I might break them down into casual or dressy. And, I think maybe I'll add a list for different family members. For example, there are places that our 14 year old wants to try. I could make him his own list of restaurants and he could add to it whenever he wanted!

When adding a restaurant, I find it's a good idea to add in the hyphens in the phone number. For the restaurants I selected, Smorgie already knew the phone numbers! But they were all one string of numbers. Since I'll probably use Smorgie when making reservations, I'm adding in the hyphens when I add the place to my list. No big deal.

There's a Friend section.
So I think you can link up your lists - If anyone wants to join, you can try searching for me at CookingAtCafeD

Try it...and tell us what you think of Smorgie!
Click on the purple button below and comment!

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