Saturday, July 30, 2011

Amazing Vintage Atomic Tray
But, I Can't Raise Our Family's Debt Ceiling

Fans of Cafe D know that I've been collecting holiday place settings from Goodwill, Etsy and other sources for sometimes now.

The plates came first - we had a bowl like this growing up. And, I found a mess of plates at Goodwill and grabbed 'em up.

Then came the glasses - found them on Etsy. Cute, huh?
 So, today we find this piece.

No, it's not an exact match. But, it's so atomically adorable, non? And, it's a great price! And, sure, it's may or may not be food safe. But, we wouldn't let that stand in our way, would we? Nah. We could put silverware on it for a buffet...(And, if it *IS* food safe, why the world is our oyster! Not that I like oysters.  Anywhoo...)

I could use it for a myriad of other things I can't think of right now because I'm too busy trying to NOT by this plate that I would only have out during the winter months.

Heck, I *live in Chicago!* It's "winter" most of the year. No, I really can't buy one more thing that I just have to store most of the year. But, YOU could! Buy it, not store it, that is.

So, if you have that special place for an adorable atomic plate/tray thingy in your kitchen/livingroom/den/ can buy it from my pal Kelly over at Zenful Goods on Etsy. (And, no she didn't give me anything for saying any of this. But, if a cute atomic snowflake, no, no.)

If you buy this, please stop back and let us know it has found a good home - lol.

Do you have a collection you are looking to add pieces to?
Or, any other collection for that matter?
What is the last thing you passed on...that called loudly?
Tell us below in the comments!

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