This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Puppies vs. Babies for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
There are few things cuter than a baby.
Or, a puppy.
But, if you had to choose...which would it be? Now's your chance to cast your vote and tell the world why little wet noses are the cutest thing under the sun. Or, perhaps that baby toes are the tops!

Puppies vs. Babies online contest
It's open and waiting for you to cast your vote for the cutest. Get your votes in from now through November 23rd. Get your say in who will ultimately be the top baby or puppy! The winning puppy or baby will get $5,000!Hmm. Puppies vs. Babies For me it's a difficult choice.
Furry little puppy ears and warm furry bellies are hard to pass up. Warm puppy breath and nibbles on your fingertips. Snuggles. And, nips on the nose. Everything is a game. Round and round they chase until *zonk* the puppy's out like a light.
Then again, baby toes, those eyes that pull you right in, the bow that never seems to stay in their hair but it's cute all the same.
I guess ultimately, babies win out for me.
So, how about you?
Who are YOU gonna cast your vote for?
Tell us below!