Here are the favorites from our last party!
Oh, I almost forgot - We have a new button!
So, if you are featured below, or have been in the past,
feel free to grab a "I was Featured!" button.
(There's a button section up top.)
Gosh, what can I say about this DIY Vintage Trunk Turned Coffee Table from
Simply Simplisticated. It's gorgeous. It's amazing. *swoon* *thud*
These Pesto Pinwheels from All That Brings Joy
make me wish the holidays were still around.
Of course I pinned them to our Food, Glorious Food Board
so I can find them when I need 'em.
The pesto pinwheels...
Remind me of the Kalamata and Feta Pinwheels we make all the time.
Quick, delicious. Be sure to make more than you expect to need.
They disappear in a snap.
One person's "ornament" is another person's everyday decor.
These Pinecone Ornaments made from maps - make me smile :)
Nice job, Turtles and Tails! So, cute. Creative. Simple.
I might make some of these, just to hang here and there
to to remind us of our travels.
Our family loves to take trips,
hence our travel blog, Feasting on Americana. (Geesh, I really need to show blog some love.)
Anyway...I have a special love for maps.
For Christmas we did a Map Star Garland - which has become our rustic travel garland...
and is simply hanging from the knob of the standing lamp in our living room.
Raise of many of you made a prediction to eat healthier in the New Year?
Yeah, me too. This Hot Curried Fruit from Becki's Whole Life is a nice change of pace.
I wouldn't have thought to spice things up like this - I'm glad she linked up to our party.
If you are in the market for other healthy-ish recipes,
you can hop over to our How Healthy category in our sidebar.
What should you link up?
Recipes! Craft or Home Decor Tutorials! Teachable moments!
But, no direct links to Etsy shops, please...
Instead, you can link up a post which featured your Etsy shop!
Be sure to link up your permalink - not just your blog.
What's a permalink? For example:
Link back to us!
Oh, I almost forgot - We have a new button!
So, if you are featured below, or have been in the past,
feel free to grab a "I was Featured!" button.
(There's a button section up top.)
Gosh, what can I say about this DIY Vintage Trunk Turned Coffee Table from
Simply Simplisticated. It's gorgeous. It's amazing. *swoon* *thud*
These Pesto Pinwheels from All That Brings Joy
make me wish the holidays were still around.
Of course I pinned them to our Food, Glorious Food Board
so I can find them when I need 'em.
The pesto pinwheels...
Remind me of the Kalamata and Feta Pinwheels we make all the time.
Quick, delicious. Be sure to make more than you expect to need.
They disappear in a snap.
One person's "ornament" is another person's everyday decor.
These Pinecone Ornaments made from maps - make me smile :)
Nice job, Turtles and Tails! So, cute. Creative. Simple.
I might make some of these, just to hang here and there
to to remind us of our travels.
Our family loves to take trips,
hence our travel blog, Feasting on Americana. (Geesh, I really need to show blog some love.)
Anyway...I have a special love for maps.
For Christmas we did a Map Star Garland - which has become our rustic travel garland...
and is simply hanging from the knob of the standing lamp in our living room.
Raise of many of you made a prediction to eat healthier in the New Year?
Yeah, me too. This Hot Curried Fruit from Becki's Whole Life is a nice change of pace.
I wouldn't have thought to spice things up like this - I'm glad she linked up to our party.
If you are in the market for other healthy-ish recipes,
you can hop over to our How Healthy category in our sidebar., It's Time to Party!
What should you link up?
Recipes! Craft or Home Decor Tutorials! Teachable moments!
But, no direct links to Etsy shops, please...
Instead, you can link up a post which featured your Etsy shop!
Be sure to link up your permalink - not just your blog.
What's a permalink? For example:
Link back to us!
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Please drop by a few folks who link up - and leave comments!
We all enjoy comments, right?
Speaking of comments...
Occasionally, you will see "Comments Disabled" on my blog.
Don't believe it!
In that case, just look for the purple bar near the bottom
that says "Click here to comment."
Tell the World!
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The more people see your post!
Not really sure what a Linky Party is?
No worries!
Donna at Funky Junk has written simple step-by step directions for you!
Check 'em out!