So, do you follow our Facebook page?
If you do, you know that we try to start topics so you can
share your experiences and share your tips.
Learning from each other is good, right?
We were ever so grateful for this tip from our pal, Olga living in Athens!
This week on Facebook,
our WHAT SAY YOU, WEDNESDAY question asked:
Would you prefer your favorite fruit in....
a) a pie
b) a smoothie
c) just by itself!
The next day, we dug a bit deeper.
What has been the nicest food gift you've ever received?
A much appreciated dinner out as new parent or college kid?
Groceries during a difficult time?
Covered dish meals after a loved one passed away?
Amazing ice cream when you skinned your knee falling out of a tree?
The nicest food gift I ever received...
was life-changing.
Want to share YOUR answers?
Tell us below or on Facebook!
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