Thursday, August 2, 2012

Do You Over-Complicate?


I made that up.

But, if there was an "addicted to detail" disorder...I might have it.

Now, we're not talking ADD or OCD.
Cuz if that were the case I'm sure that uneven twine in the photo above...and the box which is slightly askew...

Well, I guess I DID notice those.
Didn't I?

Raise of hands if you find yourself over-complicating things.

I'm sort of an all or nothing gal.  
I can do simple projects.
I even have a How Simple category...

For example, our Pez Tree (with Santa Yoda Bobble-head!) was dang simple. Then there was Our Thankful Tree. Granted we took a hike to get there, but it's still just a tree branch. And, the perhaps the winner on the simplicity front would be 15 Minute Homemade Donuts...with only 2 ingredients.

Fine, I managed to not over complicate those. 
 But, woo - wee! 

This gal can make a multi=step project out of buttering toast! Did I tell you about the recipe folder I made my niece? No? Well, she just needed something to put her recipes in, right? Sooooooo 3 months later she gets a 3 ring binder, tabs for every possible subject. Pre-filled with recipes. Lots of blank pages to add. Oh, and family photos placed throughout so she gets (hopefully) a little love as she cooks. Seriously. She just needed a place to put index cards and I gave her the entire set of 22 volumes of F&W encyclopedias!

Er, I'm doing it again. 
Over-complicating things. 
I digress. 

When Kleenex asked me to tell you about their new hand towels, I really tried NOT to complicate this one. If your family is like mine, during the summer you're always coming and going. Visitors come through like a revolving door and all they really want is a comfy spot, something cold, and a little good conversation. Most are not looking to put you out. They do NOT want you to spend way too long cleaning, preparing, and prepping for their visit.

So, I thought, "Hmm. hand towels. They wold be "handy" (pardon the pun) right about here!" Next to the regular towel, which is an option. But, if a fresh disposible option is available, I think that's kinda neat.

Out came the craft bin. Twine. I love it. (Lots of rustic twine-y pics of inspiration on our pinterest page.) Twine is simple, inexpensive, and....quick.

(If I wanted it to be even quicker, the Kleenex hand towel box is designed to invert into your towel bar so you can just pull them straight down. Now, that's easy!)

This has got to be the simplest decorating ever. 
Unravel, wrap, tie, thread through. Hang. 
Done! DONE! (I love it!) 

So, tell me.
Are you and over-complicater?
When guests come to visit do you spend more time in preparing vs. visiting?
What is your MOST over-complicated project? 

Join the 14 million people who have already joined the Clean Hands campaign by using Kleenex Hand Towels, and click here for savings and more! 

I was selected for participation in this campaign as a member of Clever Girls Collective

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