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Welcome to Day 12.
Whether you are an avid baker who makes flaky pastries throughout the year or someone who makes only brownies once a year for your girl's scout troop, chances are you have some baking stuff in your kitchen.
Has it been a while since you've cleaned out your baking supplies?
Soon, each of the grocery stores will have sales on all things bake-related. We get towards Thanksgiving and you will find that sugar will drop to stock-pile prices. Baking soda and baking powder will be close to free. Extracts, nuts, and chocolate chips will also go on sale.
If it's been a while since you've purchased baking soda and baking powder, as in longer than 6 months, now might be a good time to dump it. How do I know how long it's been? I write the date I open it on the bottom of the container. If your pancakes aren't poofy - check your dates.
How fresh are your spices?
I usually treat myself to new spices each year - right before Thanksgiving. That way I know my spices are the freshest for the holidays. Now, it really does depend on where you buy your spices. You see, you want to know how far out from picking, culling or collection that spices are. Were they ground a year ago with a 3 year sell by date?
You have many options.
Me? I buy my spices from Penzey's and The Spice House. I'm lucky - there are stores for both in my area. The good news is that both of these shops also ship! (And, while I've never purchased online, I hear Pensey's sometimes sticks freebies in their boxes.)
So, take 31 minutes today and smell your spices. If the scents aren't vibrant and full - if the curry or white pepper no longer tickle your nose, it might be time to replace them.
After all, we buy fresh meat and produce.
Shouldn't we get the most flavor from our spices, too?
What is your favorite spice or holiday treat?
Tell us!
Tell us!
Want to catch up?
Day 31 - Creating Your Dream Kitchen and Life!
Day 30 - Keep It Simple
Day 29 - Organizing Your Closet or Coat Rack
Day 28 - Raking It In
Day 27 - Take the Pill - Clean the Medicine Cabinet
Day 26 - Creative Uses For Storage Containers (Part 2)
Day 25 - Grab and Go!
Day 24 - Use What You've Got
Day 23 - No, Really...Look Over There!
Day 22 - Do you need THIS over THERE! (Part 2)
Day 21 - Do you need THIS over THERE! (Part 1)
Day 20 - Wish and Gift Lists
Day 19 - Grace and Rest
Day 18 - Easy Free Ornament Storage
Day 17 - Pantries and Shelters
Day 16 - Do You Have a Blue Box
Day 15 - A Blast From the Past
Day 14 - What would make it WORK?
Day 13 - Filling the Wasted Space
Day 12 - Spice Things Up
Day 11 - Clean out Your Purse and Wallet
Day 10 - Simple Safety Tips
Day 9 - Sorting the Sock Drawer
Day 8 - Creative Uses for Food Storage Containers
Day 7 - The Dreaded Junk Drawer (Part 2)
Day 6 - The Dreaded Junk Drawer (Part 1)
Day 5 - Day 5 - Cleaning and Organizing Your Cell Phone
Day 4 - Getting a Grip on Storage Containers
Day 3 - "Waxing Poetic"
Day 2 - Grab Those Gift Cards
Day 1 - We Dream